Resume de IR_Protocols_ircodes.txt Generalnt : long paquet de 1 pour stabilisation recepteur sur niveau ------------------------------------------------------------ Protocole courant 2 sortes de paquets : - normal : touche appuyee = AGC pulsr + 50 info bit. 1 bit = 0.5*bit + 0.5*0(RAZ) - repeat packet = AGC pulse + 1 bit stop Normal AGC pulse = 9.15 ms * 1 Pause = 4.33 ms * 0 data bit = 750 us * ? stop bit = 375 us * 0 Repeat packet AGC pulse = 9.15ms * 1 Pause = 2.10ms * 0 stop bit = 750us * 1 -attente suivant = 38.6ms * 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ Protocole Sony 12 bits = 5bit device + 7bit command (LeastSignificantBitsfirst) AGC = 2.4 (ou 9.15ms ???) 1 bit = 600us*0 + (600us * 1 =Bit0 || 1200us * 1 =Bit1) Total = 45ms ------------------------------------------------------------- Protocol Japanese Format (=Toshiba, =Pioneer, !=RCA) Preambule : 8ms * 1 + 4ms * 0 1Part : 16bits = 8 bits DC (Device Control) + 8 bits NOT DC 2Part : 16bits = 8 bits FC (Function Code) + 8 bits NOT FC 1bit = 0.6ms * 1 + (0.4ms * 0 = Bit0 || 1.2ms = Bit1) ! Least Significant Bit first. **************************************************************** Resume de IR_RC5codes.htm 14 bits 1=0.5*0->0.5*1 0=0.5*1->0.5*0 1bit=1.778msec 0.5bit=32 shorter pulses 1 shorter pulse=6.944 usec on time et =20.8332 usec off time complete dataword=24.889 msec touche maintenue = code repete interval de 64 bit (ie 113.778 msec) valeur des codes dans fichiers. 2 run-in bits to adjust the AGC level in the receiver IC 1 check bit 5 system address bits 6 command bits. 2 Start bit : 1er = 1 2em = champ de bit de command codes (0-63=1,64-127=0) 1 control bit = toggle : first z et 2eme !z,... ******************************************************************* Resume de IR_RCAremote.htm Debut : Long MARK pulse suivi de long SPACE pulse Donnees repetees 2x : le deuxieme est le complement du 1er -> 1 AND 2 -> Pb transmission Fin : EOT pulse (???) Data bit = 1 rapide suivi de 0 long (pour 0) et encore plus long pour 1 +------------------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +--- | | | | | | | | | | | ----+ +---------+ +-+ +---+ +- . . . -+ +---------+ |------- t1 -------|--- t2 --|T|T|T|3T | |--- t3 --| |'0'| '1' | t1 = 4.2ms t2 = 3.8ms t3 = 7.8ms T = 600us Each packet is 24 bits in length ********************************************************************** Resume de IR_sharpRemote.htm Start Pulse = 9.2ms * 1 + 4.4ms * 0 Bit1 = 700us * 1 + 1.5us * 0 Bit0 = 700us * 1 + 400us * 0 (+- 100us) LSB first, 8 bit DeviceCode, 8 bit CommandCode en Normal et Inverse. ********************************************************************* Resume de IR_control-S.htm StartBit = 2.4ms * 1 + 0.6ms * 0 12 bit = 5 bit Device Code + 7 bit Button Code Bit1 = 1.2ms * 1 + 0.6ms * 0 Bit0 = 0.6ms * 1 + 0.6ms * 0 end = 0 level Total = 45ms LSB sur les 12 bits Code TV et VCR ds fichier